About VSES
Established in 2010, the Victorian Shoulder and Elbow Society is a non-for-profit organisation designed to advance the understanding and treatment of shoulder and elbow disorders. Our core activities include:
VSES Member Benefits
VSES meetings and events are a valuable way to improve your knowledge of shoulder and elbow disorders.
Attendance at VSES educational meetings accrues points towards your CPD requirements.
VSES invites members and guests to present their research to peers, and we strongly encourage members to discuss and share techniques and ideas for the treatment of shoulder and elbow disorders.
At the end of each year, VSES holds an in-depth symposium. The event includes special guest speakers, cutting edge research, supplier presentations and a formal dinner.
Active members will have their names listed on the VSES website members page.
Current Office Bearers of VSES
For enquiries, please contact the VSES Secretary on secretary@vses.com.au